Wednesday 12 September 2018

Coping Up With Problems Of Roof Rats In Attic

The scurrying of the rats is not a pleasant sight! Have you go up to the attic and found out rats having a gala time in your gift wrapping box. Hold on! You are not alone as most people face up to this issue. There are various disease prone rats that cause considerable damage to your health and the surroundings.  Roof rats in Attic are a major nuisance. Their sleek body and the long scaly black tails would help you to identify them.

Usually, they make their way at night when the fruits begin to ripen. It is not only food they consume any food or feast on your pantry items as well. The worst part is that they can chew your insulation wires, pipes or any small holes that you might come across. Not only in terms of destruction there is a carrier of various diseases as well.  The moment a rat bites a person they are likely to suffer from rat bite fever. This could have fatal consequences.

These rats produce a litter once or twice a month, where it ranges from 7 to 8 cups in magnitude. They are numerous in numbers and the problems are galore with them. For this reason, professional roof rats in attic companies are there to help you.

Why Are Attics Favourite Spot For The Rats?

The existence of rats has been for close to hundreds of years. You can term them as pesky creatures, that ruin food and are carriers of dangerous diseases. In addition to this, they go on to destroy the furniture and curtains of the home. It would be hardly a matter of surprise that people have to contend with rats. The main place where rats like to set up base are the attics of your home.

Now the real question would be why rats do fall in love with the attics? What are the main reasons why they like to build their nest there? If in recent times you might have woken up from scrambling or scratches, then a strong chance of rats being found in the attic exists. Now you would be wondering why! Let us now explore some of the main reasons why rats love attics.

They Find Freedom From Predators

One of the main reasons why rats seek attics is that it does provide them freedom from predators. Rats have to be content with a host of them and the list includes owls, cats and even snakes. At certain times dogs are known to capture and kill rats. Since attic provides them a reasonable degree of protection these places seek out to be the perfect sanctuaries.

Comfort And Warmth Does Drive Them

Attics are known to be warm places with various crannies and nooks where rats are likely to build their nests. For people, attics are a place where they store their old stuff and they do not use it . for this reason they become dirty and isolated. When people neglect rodent the attics does go on to become a popular breeding ground for the rodents.

There are a  storehouse of resources and you are likely to find an abundance of them

A general perception of the people is that they are not bothered about rodent proofing their attics or homes. It not only offers an opportunity for an easy entry of these rodents but being abundant in resources does have its own advantages. The old books or clothes are items which these rodents do use in large numbers.

Dealing With Rats On The Attic

Availing the services of professional roof rats in Attic services would be the best way to combat the issue. Rats are going to be a major cause of worry and destroy anything that comes in sight of them. With a professional service, you might be able to figure out the infested points. Based on the inputs you can devise a strategy on how to cope up with the issue.

To conclude the choice of a company does appear to be a personal decision. You can rely on word of mouth or the internet would be a perfect platform to find out more about it. Undertake a proper research before you choose one.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Home Remedies To Remove Rodents

Horrible rats accompanied by rodents in the interiors or exteriors of your home will give sleepless nights. In order to survive rodents require food, shelter, and water. If your home is the focal point of all these, then rodents are likely to set base. Not only that there are the carriers of nearly 20 diseases and their presence pose serious dangers. In spite of keeping the home clean and tidy, the rodents figure out a way to enter your home. You want to get rid of them at the earliest possible juncture. It would be better you can opt for rodent removal in Atlanta. Before exercising this option of rat removal Atlanta you can try some home remedies at your own end.

Moth Balls

Mothballs act as a repelling force for rodents. Easy to use they are available in all stores. You can keep a few in the attic and drive off the rats. A word of caution though do not place them inside your home as the smell can be pungent. Exercise care that you do not end up touching it with bare hands.


Take a glass of water (quarter) a couple of teaspoons of ammonia along with detergent and mix them. Do keep it at a place where rodents appear regularly. As rats cannot withstand the smell of ammonia this home remedy should get the job done.

Pepper Mint Oil

One of the best home  remedies to kill rodents as they cannot withstand their powerful smell.  Just dip a few cotton balls into peppermint oil and then place them in an area infested with rats. You can derive satisfactory results in due course. You can also use castor oil or citronella. An alternative option would be to grow mint plants around the area of your home. 

Owl Feather

This will scarce the rodents and likely they are going to stay away from the place. In the rat prone areas do place a few owl feathers and see positive results. If you cannot find the holes exercising the option of keeping plastic snakes in the garden as it will scarce the rodents.


Pepper is embedded with a pungent smell that makes it difficult for rats to breathe and survive. The holes where rats reside spray some crushed pepper. It is expected positive results to follow in due course and repeat the process regularly for positive results.

Bay Leaf

Rats fall into the bait of considering bay leaf as a form of food and fall into the trap. The reality is that it goes on to kill them. In the rat infected area spray some bay leaves.  Continue with the process until the rats fade away from the scene completely.


To get rid of the rodents this proves to be one of the best natural remedies. For the nasty rodents, the smell of raw onion is something hard to bear. Cut a slice of onion and keep it adjacent to the holes.

What About Your Own Trap

Formulating your own bait is one of the simplest ways to get rid of rodents. Just have a humane trap and the rodents will walk into it. Place cheese and peanut butter in the bait. The rats will walk into the bait and you can capture them. Once done it would be better if you leave them far off in the forest or in the foods so that they are never going to return back again.

To the peanut butter, you can add boric acid to make it more effective. When you are implementing this remedy wear a pair of gloves.

Cat Litter

Fetch some dried snake litter from the zoo and then keep it a place where rats are likely to come. The fear of snake will not allow the rats to come there again. This same process can be tried with cat litter as well.

Do Keep It Away From The Reach Of Other Pets Or Kids

To conclude before getting in touch with Rodent control Atlanta, you can try out these simple remedies. If things work as per plan you may have complete peace of mind from these rodents. The chances are that you might save some money as well.

Often these remedies works when rodents have not infested the whole house or they are not in hidden areas. Because then we need to get some tools that would help us to reach that place. When home is infested from rodents we can get consultation from Rat Control Services experts. They come to our place and inspect the condition of home or office.

Why Depend On Rat Control Services in Atlanta

We all feel relaxed at our home after a long and tiring day. We love our homes and keep it neat and clean, but what if you spot a rat in...